Sunday, May 30, 2010


What is my purpose? You know, in life? Does anyone really know what their purpose is; when and how did they determine this? I would LOVE to be let in on this little secret; it would surely make everything easier for me.

As a child I wanted to be a teacher, always did and then pursued the career in college. When I decided against it there was nothing for me to fall back on. I do not like not having a plan. At first I was okay with jumping around and just working at bars because of the easy cash and fun environment. Now I don’t know what to do. I have always wanted to work with animals, but not as a vet. I don’t want to handle domestic animals. That is why I always wanted to go in the field of Zoology and become a Zoo Keeper. Unfortunately enough the field itself is extremely hard to find a job in due to the need not being there.

I feel like I am almost hitting that “midlife crisis,” but who the hell does this at 22 years old? I don’t know where I stand in my life and feel like I am missing something. I can not figure out what it is I am missing though and it is bothering the hell out of me!!

I have been reading a lot today about this oil spill that happened in the Gulf. I never follow current news; I really should but never do. It bores me and I would rather the cliff-note version from everyone else, it’s more interesting. However, I have been reading about the spill affecting the Marine Life and it breaks my heart. I really would love to go to the coastal areas and help out. I have always wanted to help an animal in need and help get the oil from their bodies and nurture them back to health.

I think I really need to pursue a career in some sort of disaster relief for animals for situations such as these. I am no where near an animal activist so I know I would never conform and would never put down those individuals that debate the subject. I just want to help the animals, as much as I can.

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